December 11, 2013

What kind of cheese are you?

Image via The Kitchn

This surprisingly interesting slideshow on Huffington Post caught my eye last night because a) I love cheese and b) I like to participate in silly, meaningless internet quizzes. Before reading, I settled on brie and mozzarella (obviously), which says this about me:

You like to take it slow and savor the moment. We only get one shot to live, so why not indulge, right? You also really love crackers. You are laid back, friendly and never sweat the small stuff. You like to keep things simple, but somehow throw the best dinner parties. Your friends refer to you as a "class act."

I'm not sure about the "throwing the best dinner parties" (I prefer lots of apps over full dinners), but otherwise it's pretty accurate! Quite especially the part about the crackers.

This would be a funny little conversation starter at this weekend's holiday parties, if you ask me. It might be cheesey (ha, ha), but try analyzing your fellow guests based off of what cheese they pick!

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