December 16, 2013

2014 goals

I know, we haven't even hit Christmas break yet and here I sit, talking to you about 2014. I always wind up skipping ahead to the new year; I just love a fresh start and a blank calendar.

I saw this pin yesterday, a little goal worksheet if you will. I hate the term new year's resolutions - I feel it sets you up to fail - but goals? Goals I can do! I modified it to fit this coming year, and filled in the blanks with my own goals.

I think these are pretty attainable improvements; nothing that will stress me out and lots of little ways to improve my well-being this coming year. 

Update: Get a high-res blank 2014 version from Lindsay at run lucas run here!

What's on your goal list for 2014?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Marie! Cheers to 2014!

    2. Food, sweet potato fries
      Person, Jesus
      Skill, iris folding cards
      Habit, speaking without thinking
      Better at, letting my husband know why he's so great
      Letter, to my grandmother monthly
      I M printing this for my second graders to do when we vet back to school!

  2. Great post!!! Very inspiring and I mentioned in my latest post
    Happy New Year, I wish you the best and to achive all your goals!

  3. The original version can be found on my blog here:
    Please include a link in your post. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Lindsay! I've been looking for it! Updated with a link to your post. Happy New Year! Tracy

  4. Thank you for sharing! This was a great prompt for me to think about how I want to move through 2014.

  5. Cute idea. I'm going to do this tonight with my kids :)
