Are you totally bored with our house search yet?! I know it sounds very similar week-to-week. Here is a recap of weeks 3 & 4:
We saw about 9 houses over the past two weekends and none of them were "the one" -- at least, not yet. There were a couple of lovely options with some caveats, as in one was too expensive at the moment and one was in a weird location -- I'm talking you could see Colfax from the bedroom window. No thank you! You can't change the location but you can change the price! So we are going to watch the pricey one and see what happens.
I ate a lot of these cupcakes this weekend! |
I still like the "small" house from the second househunting trip and it's still on the market. So, that's another option possibly, if I can convince Max to get over the square footage issue! The expensive house we saw last Saturday only had 40 more square feet (in the form of a bathroom), but it was $35K more than the one I am into. Is 40 square feet worth $35K? They were on the same street, just about 2 miles apart.
So that's about it! We attempted to win some money in Blackhawk this weekned (wishful thinking) but sadly lost $100 instead. Guss our down payment won't be doubled in the form of chips! I also baked up a storm and had some friends over for the Oscars!
Hope you have a good week!
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