February 17, 2012

Easy Academy Awards party

Next weekend I will be throwing my first (and last) party at our apartment! We have refrained from hosting anything big because our apartment is so small! It's hard to fit very many people in the living area. Can't wait for that new house entertaining to commence!

However, I can't resist having the girls over for an Academy Awards/Oscars celebration!

  • Izze cocktails (plain for my pregnant friend and with champagne or vodka for everyone else)
  • Mini baked mac-and-cheese (going to bake in a muffin tin for easy, individual servings)
  • Bacon-wrapped dates (these are always a hit in my circle!)
  • Raspberry Asparagus Endives with Candied Pecans  (via Yummy Mummy)
  • Trader Joe's chocolate cupcakes (I got a mix the last time I was there!)
Super easy, right? I'm also going to print out these ballots so everyone can make their picks!

Guess I better catch up on some of those nominated films this holiday weekend! I want to see The Descendants, The Artist and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Although to be honest, we are more excited about the fashion than the films. :)

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