November 08, 2013

If you do one thing this holiday season...

...send your husband this blog post! Between decorating, cookie baking, wrapping presents and entertaining, women have a lot on their plate during the holiday season. Too often, we forget to ask for help! Whether you're a newlywed (like me) or married with kids, here are a few ideas to get your significant other to help out this season

1. Break out the cleaning supplies.
Men can assist with prepping for company by offering to clean the house. Helpful tasks include vacuuming or sweeping, laundering fresh sheets and towels, cleaning the bathroom and making sure all dishes are put away. This will leave time for her to perfect a recipe or finish decorating. Alternately, offer to clean up after a gathering at home so she can get a few extra minutes of sleep.

2. Scrape the cars and shovel the walks.
Save 10 extra minutes to scrape ice off the cars and shovel the sidewalks before heading out to shop or celebrate. Your wife will appreciate the extra time to get ready.

3. Happily attend all holiday parties.
Yes, there will be a lot of small talk to handle in the next few weeks. The last thing a woman wants is to bring a Grinch to her company's holiday party. Put on that festive shirt, pick up your favorite drink to share, and attend with a smile. Think of all the times she enthusiastically hosted your football friends this fall and return the favor.

4. Take the kids out for an afternoon.
Give her a few hours of uninterrupted alone time. It's up to her if she wants to spend it getting a manicure, de-stressing at a yoga class or dashing out for last-minute gifts. Take the kids to a holiday movie or ice skating. Your kids will love some extra time with dad and your wife will cherish the peace and quiet.

5. Pick up dinner.
Choose your family's favorite take-out spot and pick up a weeknight dinner. Be sure to choose something healthy - a family-style lasagna with salad and breadsticks is a good choice.

My husband frequently does tips two and five, *applause.*

Read tips 6-10 on Yahoo Shine.

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