April 26, 2012

Long overdue update!

I have to admit it's hard to blog when you're so busy! Between our delightful spring weather, work, birthday celebrations, etc, we have been on the go!

It's been an interesting six weeks or so, that's for sure. We looked at at least 15 more houses, 2 of which we really liked but by the time we decided to make an offer, they were under contract!

We did find one house that we loved north of City Park. It was an adorable fix n flip bungalow with pretty much everything we wanted; three bedrooms, two bathrooms, brand new kitchen and a two car garage! We thought about it for a week or two and then they dropped their price, so we decided to go for it! Here's how the last week went:

* Thursday: Made an offer
* Thursday night: Seller presented counter offer, went back to look at the house at 9 pm
Don't judge a book by it's cover!
* Friday morning: We accepted and handed over the earnest money.
* Over the weekend: Under contract and super excited!
* Monday: Looked over and signed the disclosures
* Tuesday: Got some missing financial documents to our lender
* Wednesday: Inspection and sewer scope went horribly worng
* Wednesday night: Terminated the contract

So in less than a week we went from making an offer to terminating it. Essentially, the house was a shoddy fix and flip and they did not do a good job whatsoever. It became very apparent throughout the inspection that almost nothing was done correctly! It baffles me that you could try and sell a house branded as "totally remodeled" when so many "hidden" things were wrong with it.

It was totally worth the $400 inspection and sewer scope fees to avoid dealing with a $200,000 headache in the coming years. Obviously it's bittersweet but it is what it is! We will obviously keep looking. Since that was the seond house we had made an offer on, maybe the thrid one will be the charm?

Good thing I didn't make that premature trip to Ikea! The search continues....

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